

第13回 英語キャプションコンテスト 入賞者発表

First, please allow us to thank you for the 117 applications we received. The judges enjoyed reading all your mini conversations.

sail boats mini.jpg


最優秀賞 橋 真菜さん from 滋賀県立河瀬高等学校 
1. Hurry! If you don't hurry, you'll be late for school!
2.  The wind is against us today. Let's get a delay certificate.

Sail Boats でも「風」から「遅延証明書」をもらえるかなぁ。This was a very clever caption. Congratulations.

優秀賞 馬場 真珠さん from 東濃実業高等学校
1. Good! We're almost there!
2. No, it's not the goal. It's the starting point...
優秀賞 川瀬 智巳さん from 岐阜県立大垣商業高等学校
1. I forgot to bring sweets from my bag. Do you have any sweet sweets?
2. I only brought motion sickness medicine. But it is grape flavor. Do you want it?

These, too, were very funny. Congratulations.

And finally, here are the students who received the Honorable Mention awards.

奨励賞 白川 愛姫さん from 東京都立国際高等学校      
下廣 涼太さん from 岐阜県立郡上北高等学校     
川添 有海さん from 富田高校  

We look forward to seeing your efforts again next year.